The Wild Rose Press Halloween Blog Hop

Snarlolgy Halloween Blog Hop Yellow 2
Each year The Wild Rose Press hosts a Halloween Blog Hop. As a new author with TWRP, this is the first year I’m participating. If you comment on my blog, you will be entered in a drawing to win a set of three nature photo cards taken by myself. Also, join the Rafflecopter below and be entered in a grand-prize drawing for a $100 gift card from either Amazon or Barnes & Noble, or two $15.00 gift cards from Amazon or Barnes & Noble from The Wild Rose Press.

Click here to follow the blog hop: Many of the authors are giving away other prizes, so be sure to click on their links.

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Each year at Halloween time, I see children dressed in store-bought costumes. There is nothing wrong with that when it’s the easiest and quickest way for busy parents to dress up their kids. But my favorites are when the little kiddos come to the door for treats in home-made costumes.

I grew up in a large farm family. Needless to say, there wasn’t a lot of money for store bought. Each year we’d dig through old clothes and scraps to create something someone would recognize. One of the easiest for my mother was when we went as hobos. An old winter coat with pinned-on patches, a scarf over our heads, dirty face made from heated corks, and a stick with a red bandana sack attached and we were all set. Since we lived in Wisconsin this outfit kept us warm.

When I was a teenager–probably 15 or so–our 4-H club had a big party with some other clubs. It included hayrides, a bonfire and trick or treating in town. This was a big deal as trick or treating in the country meant driving miles from house to house to get a few treats. Usually my dad would drive us to our relatives’ or friends’ homes. We’d get antsy as they stood around and chewed the fat.

halloween-mummy-chairSo anyway, for this big event, I decided to go as a mummy. It was particularly cold that year, so I pulled on white long underwear-you know the kind that buttoned up the front and had a flap in the back to drop when you had “go.” I’d taken an old white sheet and torn it into strips that my mother tied all over my body. A few wider, longer ones were wrapped around me several times making me wonder if I’d look like a top when I was unwound. My face was painted white and my hair covered with more strips.

I looked fantastic! I was warm, which was the only good thing about the costume. Yes, I looked and walked all stiff like a mummy but. . . sitting down was difficult. And after eating lots of food and drinking lots of punch I found a bigger problem. I had to “go” and “go” bad, but . . .

I couldn’t get my flap down. I couldn’t even reach my flap with my stiff arms. I was miserable. No way to call home. Too embarrassed to ask for help. I went behind trees and tried to unravel myself without any luck. I finally managed to drop into a chair to wiggle and sit painfully waiting for that miserable night to end, while watching the other kids making S’mores and laughing and dancing.

Now whenever I hear someone is going to go as a Mummy, I want to say – BUY YOUR COSTUME!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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8 thoughts on “The Wild Rose Press Halloween Blog Hop

  1. Oh dear, that’s a real cautionary tale! The hayride and Halloween parties sound such fun though; we don’t celebrate halloween so much in the UK, but it has become more popular in recent years.

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